Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Character Building Exercise

As I am sitting at my computer tonight making wishlists for Christmas and for when I have money to buy fun stuff again, like makeup, clothes, etc., I started thinking...

Even though money is extremely tight right now (being that I have a very inconsistent job that doesn't pay a lot), I have started to realize that half the fun of buying things and getting new things, for me, is getting excited about them.
Before you stop reading because you think I'm crazy, stay with me for a minute.

Ever plan an awesome vacation? For me personally, half the fun of a vacation is planning it, thinking of all the fun stuff you'll do, all the people you'll see, great food you'll eat, and memories you'll make. Obviously, that's no fun if you don't actually GET  to go on the vacation, but I really do enjoy planning.

For me, this applies also to buying things. Even though I know I can't afford any big purchases right now (or small purchases, for that matter), I still love browsing the internet and thinking of all the things I can't wait to buy... a new car, a house, home decor, a new mascara, a pair of shoes.....
Sometimes dreaming about all of the fun stuff you might buy some day is enough to hold me over.

Plus, I think about how nice it will be when I can spend money on things and not have to worry so much about how much is in my bank account, or what bills I have to pay coming up this week. Obviously, money will probably always be something that most people have to consciously think about, but when I can go out to dinner and not worry about spending too much, I think I'll  appreciate it more than if I had never had to struggle to make ends meet.

Maybe this whole post sounds cheesy and cliche, but I really do feel like I am becoming a better person by not having everything handed to me. Having to suffer a little bit and work a little bit harder might not be a bad thing in the end....?

And even if my whole "life plan" doesn't work out, at least I'll have a great makeup collection.... :)

In the words of our beloved Carrie Bradshaw, As we speed along this endless road to the destination called who we hope to be, I can't help but whine, 'Are we there yet?'

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