Wednesday, August 3, 2011


It's not November.
It's not even close to Turkey Time.
In fact, the thought of eating stuffing during the sweltering heat makes me want to retch.

BUT, I am feeling especially thankful.

I feel like I spend so much of my time worrying about all of the things that I DON'T have.
I don't have a brand-new car.
I don't own my own house.
I can't afford to buy designer shoes and bags.

But how much time do I spend thinking about all of the things that I DO have?
Probably not enough.

As someone who dedicates their entire blog to trivial material objects like makeup and fashion, I might not be the obvious authority on the topic of thankfulness.But I am making a concerted effort to examine my life for what it actually is, rather than the things I buy to try to mask it.

Today, I spent some time at the local soup kitchen, serving food to those who don't have the means to serve themselves.
They ate the food that was given to them with no qualms about how posh the food was, or the fact that it was served on plastic trays.
They didn't hesitate to take seconds, and they all told me "Thank you."
As I watched an old couple with tears in my eyes, who ate there together, I felt so sad for them that they had to resort to taking their meals from strangers for free.
But then I thought about it. They have each other, they have food, and they don't seem to feel sorry for themselves.

Obviously, I surround myself with mostly people who have cars, houses, and plenty of material objects, which may alter my views about what is "normal" for people to have. But in reality, many people are struggling to have clothes, shoes, and food.

I have clothes, shoes, food, a car, someone who I love deeply, and a great family and friends.

So next time I look in the cabinet for some food, and all I see is a can of soup, I'm going to feel pretty damn fortunate.

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